They tell us about their own experiences with their children
“LAP has made us improve communication in our family “
LAP Camps not only help us to combine our children’s holidays with our working life; they also fill our children with new experiences and they come back with their ‘batteries’ charged and full of with positive energy.
When you enjoy the opportunity to get out of routine and you get separate from mom and dad for a few weeks, the experience becomes unforgettable both emotionally and learning.
LAP itself is fun. At the Camp they learn to share ideas, experiences and knowledge with classmates and monitors, in an environment that is very different from homework and school exams. Therefore, it is an excellent alternative for learning, coexistence and respect, and helps to enhance their social skills.
In our particular case, both Juan and Cecilia learned to come out of their ‘shell’, and to make new friends. They were “force” to adapt to a new environment to work as a team, and gain autonomy, by facing situations that, perhaps, they faced for the first time.
The great change we have noticed above all upon their return is in their experiences and in the learning of values, such as solidarity, self-esteem, independence or healthy competitiveness. Since in our family and in the education of our children, we try to teach them and open these paths for them.
But above all, what has motivated us the most to make our children repeat this experience is that it has made us improve communication in our family. The children have always returned home loaded with new stimulus, which they have shared as a family. This enhances and strengthens our family relationships, and helps our children to order memories and argue their experiences, enriching their communication skills.
And of course, LAP also helps us, the parents. Since the change and evolution of our children is also contagious to us. The wonderful Life Project that Maribel and Alberto transmit to all of us, helps us to put it into practice in our day to day life, maintaining the LAPPERS network throughout the year, as for example, with the celebration of the Spring Party.

Teresa Serra – A Freedom Stations participants` mother.
“The process of maturity that every student should have, is accelerated”
The Stays that students spend abroad are, in my opinion, very positive for their development, both personally and academically.
Spending time away from the family environment gives students the opportunity to face new situations in which they have to solve problems that, even though they are within their reach, they generally do not solve. I am referring to tasks of daily life such as putting your clothes in order or planning your life with a work and leisure agenda, as well as attending their new commitments. The experience provides them with a new space where their lives are more autonomous and therefore with more responsibility.
In other words, the maturity process that every student should have is accelerated. You will have to put your social skills into practice to make new friends, be able to resolve conflicts and accept the frustrations or discomfort associated with any process of adaptation to what has been unknown until now.
Finally, pointing out that learning and improving their linguistic competence in English is very important. But it is possibly just as important to acquire new resources that allow them to strengthen their personality to become a man or a woman who is in control of their life, that is responsible, someone in which you can trust for his or her honesty and for his or her respect for others.
Our educational group formed by Ábaco School, Alameda de Osuna School and Arcángel Rafael School has had the satisfaction of collaborating closely with LAP: Beyond Languages, so that our students can improve their level of English by participating in their Language Learning Programs that, in addition, are complemented with our educational project. The training of our students with LAP has been very positive and enriching in every way.

Gregorio García Alvárez- Pedagogical Director of Ábaco School, Alameda de Osuna School and Arcángel Rafael School.
“They help us appreciate the moment and what we have in life”
LAP helps you in both senses, emotionally and personally. They care that you feel emotionally comfortable with them and they accompany you with coaching sessions. You will feel very supported by the people in the programs, since meetings are held to get to know each other and get excited.
To go to study in the United States, for example, they propose you a couple of meetings to learn about what you have to do with your studies and also coaching sessions to go with your mind focused on life in the United States. Do not think that you are going to lose your loved ones in Spain because they teach you that they will always be by your side. You will feel supported around in the Spring Parties meeting new people and also participating in group dynamics.
Over time you will realize, like I did, that they really help you a lot so that you know what you want to do in the future and to be clear about it. In my case, they made me realize that my thing is languages. They help us appreciate the moment and what we have in life, to realize that there will always be people who will be by your side helping you step by step, people who will support you.
Something important that gives security and confidence is knowing that you will not only will doing coaching sessions while you are in Spain, but also you will have the possibility of having them by Skype while being abroad
You can always ask for help and they will give you a hand with your emotional doubts. I remember that a few years ago, while at the Summer Camp, I had a private coaching session taking a walk around the lake at night, it was an unforgettable experience. I thank them because they have helped me to know what I really want and to remove my doubts by accompanying me personally and emotionally. Thank you for opening my eyes to new possibilities and new adventures that have left me with beautiful memories.

Sandra Alarcón Moreno – A Lapper.
“I feel able to go out into the world and be able to adapt myself to any situation.”
I am Martín Ballesteros Arias and I am a lapper.
You will ask yourselves, what is that? and you are absolutely right, it is a term that is not heard very often but that for me has a special meaning. I started coming to summer camps with LAP when I was 6 years old… I was the youngest in the camp by far, but I think I was also the one who had the best time.
I remember my camps very fondly, and in fact I use to spent half the year waiting for summer to come so I could go again. During the course you could see who had gone to camp because they remembered more English than the rest of the classmates. But also, the LAP camps used to gave you a bit more. They let you see what it is to know a different culture. And it is thanks to these nuances, that I was able to go to the US for a whole year and enjoy the experience in all aspects, from the family life to meeting friends from 7 different cultures, eating and chatting together, and being able to play board games creating a club there for all of us.
However, today I feel capable of going out into the world and being able to adapt to any situation that comes my way, some of which I discovered in the Lap camps.
I am currently a medical student, in the 3rd year. In the last few years I have spent the summers being a monitor in the Alicante´s summer camps. And, as a monitor I have realized how much it has been improved in recent years, and how well the children of the camp think.

Martín Ballesteros, 22 – A Lapper Medical student.
“Get deeper in self-control and self-knowledge”
Grupo Sorolla has been working with the LAP Agency for several years as a provider of experiences in the world of languages for our students.
And I say provider of experiences, because at Grupo Sorolla we look for allies that go beyond the stay abroad or the language camp.
Our families choose our educational model because they want a comprehensive education for their children and that is what we seek when we establish alliances with the different agencies we work with.
Specifically with LAP, we can offer our young students a camp in which, in addition to training in English, they will be able to live an enriching experience in other very important aspects of their training. Coexistence with other boys and girls from different countries, deepening self-control and self-knowledge, developing emotional intelligence, having fun, playing games, everything is part of camp life. And when I have had the opportunity to visit them, you see that this is really the case.
But not only the little ones can enjoy. The possibility of making tailor-made trips according to the needs and expectations of the older ones, helps us when it comes to generating a current of trust between our families and the school. Experiences that can go from summer to wherever you want to go.
I think that the decision to go on this adventure together was a wise one.

Mayte Ramos- Director of the Sorolla Group.
“lap is evolving and innovating new teaching systems”
Dear parents, I would like to share with you my experience with the LAP company. My name is Nieves and I have 2 children, I enrolled the eldest, Victor, in the summer of 2006 for the Summer Camp. We liked the experience. The following summer he went to a 3 weeks course in Malta, where he shared the experience with young people from different nationalities and finally, in the summer of 2008, he spent 1 month in England with a family. Those steps helped him a lot for his future, by gaining self-confidence. Today he works as a cabin attendant at Vueling, since 2015.
Now the little one took over. Iván who is now 13 years old, has already gone 3 years in a row to the Summer Camp.
What I liked the most about this company is the personal treatment given, especially at the Camp, the director, Maribel, personally supervises all the activities that take place there, in addition to being there every day.
Another thing that I also like is that they are evolving and innovating new teaching systems, not only valuing the language itself, but also the personal enrichment of young people, since they now include personal growth and emotional intelligence programs.
I hope my own experience will help other parents to cheer up and give their children a better future.

Nieves M. van der Hoeven – A Progress Stations participant`s mother.
“The human resources of Lap were always helping us to overcome the day to day”
LAP has always helped us understand our daughter’s concerns. Because they help our children but they also help us parents on that long and hard path that involves letting our children fly from home.
The program in the USA was a before and after in our lives, it helped us to know how brave our daughter is and that she will be able to overcome any challenge she sets herself.
LAP’s human resources were always helping us to overcome the day to day and, with their experience, they encouraged us during this program. Without them this stage of our lives would not have happened.
LAP gives a personalized attention, each child, each family, feels unique.
I have the opportunity to encourage you fathers and mothers. Our children want to be citizens of the world. With LAP you are in the best hands, let them fly. Their experiences will be unique and the host families will be the best for your children.

José María Alarcón y Mar Moreno – A Lapper`s Parents.
“We were surprised by the change in our daughter”
We trusted LAP to organize our daughter’s first trip abroad and the result was that we repeated the experience for another year in another country. We will always be grateful to Maribel and Alberto since our daughter successfully completed that stage of study and gained a huge learning of life.
Initially we were worried about both, distance and time, but we were surprised by the change in our daughter, since she learned to handle herself more independently in different situations, always supervised by LAP, who kept us up to date at all times, both, about her school life and about the experience with her host family.
We want to thanks Maribel and Alberto again for these two crucial school years for our daughter.

Isabel Calvín – An Alpha Stations participant`s mother.
“An experience you never get tired of”
Knowing Lap has been my greatest luck so far. I went the first year with 7, in 2011 and I have continued going for 6 years.
It is an experience that you do not get tired of because there are always new things, more fun, and that help the kids to see the world in a different way, as these years at Freedom Station have taught me.
They have helped me a lot, they have changed me, they have made me feel more sure of myself, I have opened up a lot and thanks to this I have managed to achieve many of my goals. Every time I have gone I have met new people, fantastic people, with which I still have a relationship with even though it’s been a while since I’ve seen them since I live in Rome. I believe that this is an experience that every teenager must have tried or try because, really, it has changed me for the better, and it is worth it without a doubt. I could not imagine myself now if I had not gone to that ‘English camp ‘
And what I want the most, is to thank Maribel and Albert who are now like my uncles and who have done all this, that has made me happy for 6 years and all those to come! ❤

Giorgia Gutierrez Cavazzini – A Freedom Station participant.
“Values that complement Education”
Los Robles School, 25 years ago, opted for something new, but essential, in language teaching, immersion in Anglo-Saxon speaking countries. It was very important to find an entity that met our expectations. We bet on LAP.
The professionalism and seriousness of LAP has meant that throughout all these years, generations and generations of students have gone, many of them repeating the experience, to different countries.
One of the qualities that LAP has is that the first thing, above all, is the attention of the student and their involvement in the education, not only at the language level but also in values that complete the training.
I personally have the satisfaction of having put LAP in contact with several Colleges in Madrid, and this is due to the total confidence we have in LAP and its team.

María del Rosario Díaz Gómez- Director of Los Robles School.
“A second family that has helped me grow”
LAP for me, has been an incredible experience, where I have spent some of the best moments of my life. Proof of this is that I have been participating in their programs five times, five wonderful fortnights for five years in a row.
For me, LAP is a second family, which has helped me with many things, it has helped me to grow my self-esteem, to stop feeling so embarrassing, to develop my social skills, to enjoy the moment, to appreciate what we have, among other things. many things.
LAP is not like many people think about summer camps, it is not a car park for children, you learn a lot there, and not only English, but also to make friends, to live together, to dare, to enjoy, to reflect, to Organize and trust yourself.

Juan Cruz-Sagredo Serra – Mr. Sympathy in Freedom Station Program 2016.
“There is a before and after in the lives of our children”
The Progressive Training Program developed by LAP is a unique proposal that every parent who wishes to give their children a comprehensive education, should consider.
Educating our children involves much more than facilitating access to academic knowledge (mathematics, language, geography…).
To be able to function successfully in life in a world where change and globalization is the norm. Children must also have other skills. Open your mind to the new, have the ability to adapt, know how to put all your internal resources into play, manage your emotions in unknown environments, learn to overcome your limits and gain self-confidence are just a few examples.
From my point of view, as a coach and expert in Neuroscience, I believe that living the PTP experience gives its participants a mental and emotional maturity that is hardly comparable to any other training, and clearly establishes a before and after in the lives of our children. And as a mother too, this is exactly what I have experienced with my son Carlos.