For some years now, and recently in particular, we have been hearing or reading the expression “getting out of the comfort zone”, but what is really getting out of the comfort zone?
It seems easy to deduce that it is about leaving a situation where we are comfortable and getting to know something new. Of course, and here is the million dollar question: why should I leave a place where I feel good to change for something I don’t know, and about which I am not sure if I will be at least the same as where I am today? The answer is simple, so that I can enjoy a happy life. This is something we all have the right to just because we were born, we need to live a life full of authentic emotions.
The word emotion comes from the Latin emovere which means to move into action, to set in motion “life is movement and movement is life”.
Now, then why is it so hard for us to get out of our comfort zone? Well, because leaving this wonderful place where “apparently” we are “safe”, implies entering our “learning zone”. Of course, this is how most human beings function” when faced with the new and the unknown. In short, everything that implies “change” activates a false fear that obeys a stimulus that is correct for us.
For some years now, and recently in particular, we have been hearing or reading the expression “getting out of the comfort zone”, but what is really getting out of the comfort zone?
It seems easy to deduce that it is about leaving a situation where we are comfortable and getting to know something new. Of course, and here is the million dollar question: why should I leave a place where I feel good to change for something I don’t know, and about which I am not sure if I will be at least the same as where I am today? The answer is simple, so that I can.
Generally there is no real danger when we propose a change, what we do have are insecurities, challenges, overcoming limits and here, when we get out of that trapping situation called comfort zone, is when we begin to grow and develop as beings in constant evolution.
And this is the approach that Grupo Lap gives to our SCHOOL YEARS ABROAD, because, although any time in a person’s life is a good time to grow and develop, the teenage stage represents a unique and unsurpassable opportunity to do so.
A well worked ACADEMIC YEAR represents much more than a linguistic program, it is the possibility to develop new brain synapses, to begin to travel through life by new paths, to discover and discover ourselves. It is also a chance to test ourselves and become aware of the great potential we have as human beings, to learn once and for all that we can achieve anything we want because the limits only exist inside our heads.
Doing a school year abroad, whether in Canada, USA or Ireland, should be the first step to leave the limits of the comfort zone and enjoy the freedom and joy that comes with it.
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